Show Your True Colours 705-326-8200
My Blog
It's My Journey​
Stay Healthy, Be Safe, Be Kind
My First Blog - My Curly Hair Journey
June 22, 2019

Curls for a Rainy Day
March 26, 2021
I am a Curly Girl.... always have been.
With my Curly Hair, I never know what I am going to get.
I am always trying new products and styling techniques. Some work better than others on my hair.
Today was a rainy day & this is what I tried with Day 2 Hair
Wrap 1” sections of hair around 2 fingers & press in GHD 1” Hair Straightener for a few seconds.
Let Curls fall & cool without touching them
This technique smooths my hair and keeps my curls together in bigger sections
Added a Boho hair band in to complete my look
Products Used
Deva Mist-er Right – Curl Refresher – spray through out hair and rub in scalp
AG Firewall – Thermal Protector – spray lightly throughout hair in sections
Deva Wave Maker cocktailed with Curl Maker – spread over curl sections
Oro Fluido Oil – rub in with hands through hair
My selfie was taken late afternoon & my hair was starting to get some frizz.
Next time I would try using Joico Beach Shake – Texturizing Finisher – spray lightly over hair (helps protect from humidity) & more oil throughout the day as needed
#myblog #itsmyjourney #curlyhair #devacurl #truecolours #orilliahair #hairsalon #smallbusinessowner
#devacurl #AG #orofluido #joico

Creating a blog was in my 5 year plan when I bought my business... 6 years ago. Something keeps stopping me... I'm trying to find the confidence.... so here goes to my first blog (2nd attempt because somehow I just deleted everything)
I am a Curly Girl.... always have been. My Granny used to say I looked like Shirley Temple.... she was right, wilder but beautiful blonde curls....
Then something happened.... my grade school pictures I look like a boy with short hair, big eyebrows & No Curls! I asked my Mom why she had my hair cut that short. She said I had messy, unruly curly hair & she couldn't handle it.
In high school I tried growing my hair, just when I started liking my messy hair, Mom took me for a hair cut... no more wings & back to hating my hair.
The summer of grade 11 seemed like a good time to get a perm.... nope! It was a tight curl & I hated it.. so I took the razor to it... um... not a great idea either. So I started grade 12 with the worst hair of my life. My husband still says he can't believe he stayed with me. From that moment I grew & grew & grew my hair.
I avoided hair salons for years (my business is a hair salon* good karma).
After college, a friend convinced me to get a perm.... it was better with a bigger curl. The next few years I got perms, never loving them until they relaxed alot. Eventually I stopped getting perms & realized I had natural curly hair. With the long length of my hair I had awesome wavy hair.
In my early 30s, my "funny" husband said "Tara, the 80s called, they want their hair back" Ha Ha Ha
Not sure what he was thinking because he likes my hair long & that comment started me on the path to shorter hair. Well the joke was on me because now I had curly hair to "deal with" & I didn't love my curls.
Deva Curl saved me..... I now know how to deal with my hair & the products have helped me Love My Curly Hair.... well most days
(* I am not a hair stylist or a writer)
#myblog #itsmyjourney #curlyhair #devacurl #truecolours #orilliahair #hairsalon #smallbusinessowner #tryingtostaysane #covid-19 #newnormal #stayhealthy #besafe #bekind #weareallinthistogether #canada

Self Care
June 18, 2023
Self Care is different for everyone… I could be better at it!... Hair Care, Nail Care, Exercise, Reading, Medical Treatments, Music, Movie/TV, Crafting, Learning, Friends & Family, Relaxing, Fishing, Bon Fires, Adventures with our Dog Kane
I don’t know why I don’t take more time for self care… I love when my hair & nails are done, visits with good friends, family, reading, needle point, chiropractor, massage
2023 – I have committed to going to chiropractor every 8 weeks for my chronic neck & lower back pain…. Why do I go a so long suffering pain & headaches….
My Hair – I am a Curly Girl & have always struggled with my hair. Products & Technique Education have helped. Owning a Hair Salon doesn’t mean you get your hair done regularly…. So I take matters in my own hands…lol Sometimes things don’t go as planned…. This happened recently to me…. So I did what I thought would make it ok…. It did… I also was lucky to be able to get a hair cut…. I feel like a new person… happier, more settled.
I have difficulty making decisions…. 2023 I am turning things around…. Trying ideas that have been forming in my head…
Orillia Hair now offers online appointment booking, online retail shopping
Refinished furniture for Salon Stations
I hold back starting something as I want everything to be perfect…. I realize this is not always possible… just go for it and adapt as you go… I sure am trying
Celebrating 10 years owning my Hair Salon….
Every 8 years I have had to reinvent myself career wise. While I like learning, it pleases me to be educated in the hair business.
April 13. 2024
I am pleased to say I kept my commitment to look after myself with regular chiropractor appointments.
As far as my Hair & Nails…. (only 1 hair cut & nail appointment in 2023)
Refinished two salon stations (very pleased with how they turned out)
My decision making has improved over this last year
Celebrating 11 years in Business
Cheers, T
